A Day In The Life of Jewellery Designer Katarina Tarazi



January 2024

The hottest Lebanese jewellery designer you need to know this winter, here’s how Katarina Tarazi makes the most of her 24 hours…

I usually wake up at… 7am. I’m a hermit at heart — I like to be in bed around 9pm to allow myself a couple of hours of relaxing time before properly sleeping around 11pm. I prioritise sleep because I prioritise proper productivity.

My morning routine consists of… making coffee and getting directly to work. It’s the best part of the day because my mind is like a receptive, blank slate. Since I started working on my brand, I’ve sacrificed my morning workout routine as I like to put my best energy into work. I intend to do more yoga in the afternoons in 2024.

I’m responsible for… every aspect of my brand, which requires qualitative mental switching between tasks. It can sometimes cause chaos in my head, but it feels fun.

I’m currently working on… Now is the busiest time of the year — it’s all about inventory, making sure I’m stocked for the coming months and properly communicating my brand online.

My go-to wardrobe consists of… an extra-large cotton T-shirt and comfy pants — I like my comfort, and I like to go as long as possible without checking myself in the mirror, for my own sanity. When I go out, though, I like to radically transform into an elegant woman!

For lunch I eat… whatever is available. During the day I nibble on anything that will keep me going without feeling too full. As for meals, I’m a junk food lover at heart — the more fried the better!

What I love most about my job is… I get to wake up, live in my own world every day and decide where I want to take it.

What I enjoy the least is… absolutely nothing. I love all aspects of my work, even the tedious tasks I’m less naturally gifted at. Challenges add excitement and offer an opportunity to grow.

When I finish work I… retire to my living space and spend an hour unwinding, thinking of what was achieved and what comes next. Once that’s done, I make sure I stop thinking about work for the evening and try to focus on a silly Netflix show that makes me feel like I have the brain of a five-year-old.

I couldn’t live without… my personal space and the people I love. I consider my personal space to be a gift offered to me every day, and I give love and attention to the people I care about and get it in return. I’m grateful and mindful of the time I get to spend with my people.

When I feel stressed I… assess whether I’m productive or not. Sometimes I achieve work under stress, but other times I’m just being emotional, obsessive and unproductive. When that happens, I immediately stop working and retreat to my bubble until I feel a renewed momentum. I don’t work when I’m unhappy — my personal negative energy cannot be let into my workspace.

If I wasn’t in my current position… I would be doing anything where, in a similar way to now, I could come up with things on my own, in my own space. My present job is my ideal job and my routine is my happiness. But if I didn’t have my brand, I’d want to be a sculptor, a carpenter, a dance instructor, a film director, or a screenwriter.

Read Next: A Day In The Life Of Jewellery Designer Nisrine Mourad

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