Weekend Wardrobes: A Touch Of Warmth

Dmitri Ruwan

3 min read

There’s a vibrant shade of fiery orange that’s been making the rounds during fashion week, appearing across everything from handbags to marabou coats and kitten heels. Here we look to the best ways to work this powerful colour into your weekend without overwhelming your sensibilities. 

Fire It Up

If you’re going to embrace the trend do it with a confidence that is unmatched by your peers. With the recent women’s rallies and marches still fuelling the need for equality, now is the moment to channel your inner warrior. Try a deep shade of fiery orange in the form of jumpsuits and pair with a light jumper. The look is chic enough for daytime and radiant by night as it casts a powerful silhouette.

The Right Shoes

It needn’t be said that with a colour such as fiery orange, accessories should be kept minimal. Look for simple colour tones in monochromatic marble or demure leather that create a subtle contrast to your ensemble. Elegantly fashioned stilettos in deep jewel tones are a perfect addition to this look.

Trousers For The Win

In case you haven’t noticed more and more women are opting for trousers over skirts. Not only are they easy to move in but also the right style elongates the body and exudes a powerful vision of confidence. Look for silk chartreuse fabrics for the daytime paired with dark militant jackets or cable knit pullovers for a more casual look. Pair your trouser with a simple white top that can easily be dressed up with a delicate ear cuff for evening occasions.