The power couple have just embarked on a new mission...
Just when we thought Amal and George Clooney have done their part with their continuous humanitarian efforts, the power couple have announced a brand new (and impressive) initiative to advance human rights, inside the courtroom.
With a background in international law and human rights, Amal, together with husband George, have launched an app in partnership with Microsoft. Titled TrialWatch, the new app (launched in line with the couple's charity, The Clooney Foundation For Justice) will aim to collect data measuring failures of justice around the world. TrialWatch will train and transport monitors, including non-lawyers, to observe and report on criminal trials, as well as record proceedings.
According to a statement released on Columbia Law School's website, Amal said: "Courts around the world are increasingly being used to silence dissidents and target the vulnerable. But so far there has been no systematic response to this. The Clooney Foundation for Justice's TrialWatch program is a global initiative to monitor trials, expose abuses, and advocate for victims, so that injustice can be addressed, one case at a time."
Therefore, the initiative will focus on cases that involve journalists, women and girls, religious minorities and human rights defenders, with every trial monitored getting graded in a Fairness Report. Then, wherever injustice seems to appear, the Clooney Foundation will advocate for defendants.