
How To Tailor Your Workout Around Your 9-to-5

Feb 22, 2022 | 7 min read

Michael Sole, Founder of The Den, shares how you can integrate a sweat session into your daily routine

Michael Sole, Founder of The Den, shares how you can integrate a sweat session into your daily routine

Here is the thing, and like most things, there is never a one-size-fits-all approach with this: timing of your workouts is highly subjective to you as the individual. The most important thing is that you get your training done, period. Now, with that being said, there are some reasons to choose morning over evening, or evening over morning training depending on how you operate as a person, what your day looks like, and most importantly, what is most sustainable for you.

If you work a typical 9-to-5 office job or have family commitments, you are most likely better suited to morning training sessions. You wake up, 'swallow the toad' as I like to call it - get the most difficult task out of the way first - and then you can carry on your day knowing that working out isn’t something you need to worry about. Along with time efficiency and reducing the stress of planning an upcoming workout, if you are someone who struggles to stay motivated and disciplined, I suggest building in the habit of training in the morning. Yes, the early alarm will not be welcomed at first and everything will feel like a blur initially, but once you are settled into a routine you will be forever grateful. Don’t get me wrong, there are some people who find the motivation to visit the gym after work, but from my experience, we at The Den see the majority of morning classes fill up with those who head straight off to work after their workout and can seize the day knowing they have already achieved a goal.

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur or are working from home, it may be that your work commitments begin early in the morning. Unless training fits within your existing morning routine, you may find it more suitable to delay a workout until later in the day. This is common with those that attend The Den's evening classes. In this case, working out during a lunch break or in the evening is a great opportunity to break up the day or end your day with some endorphins - there is a lot to be said for the way training can make you feel and can round off your day in high spirits.

Yes, scientifically there are a number of factors that can affect the benefits of workout timing, from genetic predisposition to how cold you have your bedroom at night, but realistically the decision to train in the morning and evening all comes down to personal preference and what is going to allow you to stay motivated with work and your training, while ensuring balance with your family and social life. It may take time, but find what works for you to ensure you can get the best of all. Michael Sole is the Founder of The Den.

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