
The Wellness Programme That'll Help You (Finally) Stick To Your New Year's Resolution

Dec 16, 2022 | 16 min read

MOJEH has found the health and fitness programme to get you back into shape — mind, body and soul — for life

Is your new year’s resolution to lose weight again this year? Fear not, MOJEH has found the health and fitness programme to get you back into shape — mind, body and soul — for life

As we near the end of the year, it’s only natural to review our own personal reels of 2022 and, in turn, look at our goals for the coming year. If your new year’s resolution is to, once again, shed unwanted kilos and keep them off for life, we have (finally) found a programme that works. It’s So Simple is a 12-week online health and fitness programme for the body and mind, that provides everything you need to get back to the you that you want to be. It focuses on fitness, nutrition and accountability, and is all wrapped up in a supportive community of coaches and professional chat groups which is an integral part of getting the results you want in record time.


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It’s So Simple is the brainchild of 43-year-old Rachael Sacerdoti, who found herself overweight, unhealthy and, even worse, unhappy. “After my third child, I really lost my way,” confides Rachael. “I’d battled with my weight my whole life but this time it got really bad. I was over 85 kilos and suffering, both physically and mentally. I had no energy, my body ached and my state of mind was really bad. The final catalyst was my brother pulling me aside while on a family holiday and asking why I had let myself go. A switch clicked in my mind, and I realized I had to do something about it. First steps were to start to move, very minimally in the beginning, just walking a bit and also becoming conscious of what I was eating.” Fast forward a pandemic and a 30-kilo weight loss later, and Rachael has transformed her life and is helping thousands of women around the world change theirs too, with her scientifically based programme that really is so simple. “My transformation journey ignited a passion in me, but it took the Covid lockdowns for that to become a calling,” says Rachael. “Gyms closed and a few friends asked if I could help them to stay on track with their fitness. What began as a WhatsApp group for friends and mums from my kids’ school began to take on a life of its own and quickly turned into a full time job and then a business, with clients joining from all corners of the world.”

Her own best advertisement, Rachael, born in Singapore and of Iraqi heritage, has garnered legions of fans with her positive, hands on approach. With a dislike for fad dieting (join the queue), Rachael’s aim is to put a stop to yo-yo methods once and for all by making educated choices that don’t have to be a chore. “I spent about two decades of my life on the rollercoaster of fad diets,” Rachael says. “I think the key is just to realise it isn’t working, it isn’t going to work and it isn’t sustainable and what you need to do is find a healthy and balanced way of living, that will allow you to be where you want to be in the long term.”


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So how does it all work? Once you sign up to the programme, you have a call with Rachael to talk about your concerns, health and weight loss goals. You’re added to your own dedicated, private chat with Rachael and her team of coaches, where you can connect as often as you like — no matter how personal or private, every query is answered with caring but straight-to-the-point answers that keep you positive and on track. Next comes sending in your pictures along with your current weight. Then, the magic starts to happen. You are given a tailored workout programme, recipe books, intel on the science of losing weight (and keeping it off) and daily feedback from your coaches on everything from meals and exercise to motivation and accountability. You’re also added to an additional chat with other ladies on the 12-week programme where you share images of your meals, workout achievements and messages. Unlike unsolicited kids’ birthday party chats, this is a group you will love to be added to as it keeps you moving, motivated and provides newsy updates from the coaches, food inspiration and motivational memes that can turn a mood around in moments.

“It’s So Simple is not really a 12-week programme, it’s a way of life, something that people can maintain forever,” says Rachael. “I do insist that people commit for a minimum of 12 weeks when they sign up, because it takes time to both make and embed change. It is vital that people really commit to the programme and don’t have an easy way out if the going gets a little bit tough in the early weeks. “After 12 weeks people usually stay with us, using the programme for as long as they find it helpful. Most clients stay for months and some even for up to two years. We have been so lucky to see women join us from literally every corner of the world; from New Zealand to London, Los Angeles, Singapore and everywhere in between. It has been particularly pleasing to see our penetration in the GCC grow, where our clients have ranged from royalty to homemakers, CEOs to doctors, lawyers to brides-to-be. “We have helped women from every major religion and none, and ages have ranged from the twenties to seventies. What unifies everyone is the sense of striving together as a team towards a goal. Incredible friendships have been made and we see the strength of women irrespective of who and where they are,” she adds.


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With a plethora of online programmes available, very few offer a support team of trained dietitians, coaches and mentors to help clients throughout the day and night. Rachael cites two main secrets to her programme’s success: "The two real differences are that my programme is designed to be sustainable, to help you really transform your body from the inside out, by building lean muscle to increase metabolism and keep the weight off,” Rachael shares. “And the other big difference is the accountability system I have designed. The science of exercise and nutrition are well known and understood. Many people know what they need to do, but they struggle to stay on the path. At It’s So Simple, not only do you have your own coaches to help keep you accountable and on track, but you also have a whole team of other women to inspire you, support you and keep you accountable. It really makes all the difference doing something as part of a community and having a front row seat to see the steps others are taking. “It doesn’t have to be time consuming, most of my recipes are super quick to prepare, as I don’t have time for elaborate meal preparation. And as for exercise, you can do it in 30 minutes at home. I tell women that they need to find the time for themselves to exercise, it’s not a selfish act. It allows them to take care of themselves and show up better for those around them. I learnt to set my alarm 30 minutes or an hour earlier and just get it done,” adds Rachael.

Menus can also be tailored to vegetarian, cultural and religious diets with Rachael explaining: “Not only do we share recipes, but we also have lists of staple foods that we recommend, and we are constantly adding to them. We have had many women on the programme with specific dietary requirements due to allergy, intolerance, religion, culture or simply preference. We have worked with strict vegetarian, Halal, Kosher and many more, so don’t let your dietary requirements be a barrier.” Rachael offers some sage advice when it comes to women who may be struggling with post-pregnancy weight, peri-menopause and ageing, which makes it more than a challenge to lose unwanted weight. “Be kind to yourself,” she counsels. “Take a step back and look at what you are doing, is it really the right stuff, is it sustainable, is it balanced? Take baby steps and stick to them. Make sure everything you do is sustainable and don’t rush anything or deprive yourself of your favourite foods or treats, with everything in moderation. Make sure you make exercise a real part of your routine and keep changing it up so that your body doesn’t get too used to what you are doing. Consistency and habit are key.”


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With a journey so many can relate to, Rachael’s almost unrecognisable transformation is more than encouraging. If you need further convincing, check out the website where you can see Rachael’s ‘before and after’ as well as many clients’ tried and tested success stories. Women who have transformed their lives via the programme say you can expect your body (and mind) to change in as little as two weeks, with bloating disappearing, aches and pains dissipating and that forever elusive mojo being found again. With a new year upon us, we can’t think of a better way to use 12 out of the 52 weeks to get your life back on track today. Learn more and sign up

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