It started when I first moved to Milan. I started sharing photos of beautiful women with my friend, telling him how amazing they are and how great it would be to live like them. One day I took a photo and thought that it was good enough for Instagram so I opened an account and the rest was history.
Sciura in Milanese dialect means “wealthy married woman”, a typical figure for a city like Milan, made of bankers and entrepreneurs, especially back in the day, when women did not work as they do now.

I think it’s the same reason I fell in love with them. They are beautiful, fearless, and flawless and everyone wants (or should want) to age like they do, and wear a vintage Prada bag just to go to the grocery store.
Most of the women are thrilled to be featured on the account and they can’t wait to see the photo.

It’s not that I want to stay anonymous as such, it’s more that I want the account to be focused around the women, not me. They are the models, I’m just the photographer. One day I would like to do a shoot revealing my identity surrounded by the most photographed “sciure” wearing their most fabulous Gucci and Prada.
At the moment nothing drastically has changed. I’m still in school, but now I get invited to some fashion shows and a few parties. I’m sill waiting for a magazine to give me the chance to shoot something so I can branch out into photography full time.