This is an event not to be missed
Get ready beauty lovers because Rihanna is hosting her first-ever Fenty Beauty Artistry and Beauty Talk makeup masterclass in Dubai on Saturday, 29th September 2018.
Accompanied by Fenty Beauty global makeup artists, Priscilla Ono and Hector Espinal, the event will give attendees a sneak peek into Rihanna’s personal makeup techniques and backstage beauty secrets, as well as a range of tips and tricks on creating the perfect Fenty face.

In the UAE, the event has been co-sponsored by Sephora with proceeds from the event going to Dubai Cares, a charitable organisation that works with UN aid agencies and international NGOs in an effort to improve children’s access to education in developing countries.
While the venue has yet to be disclosed, tickets will be available to purchase online from at 2pm Gulf Standard Time today, and considering this is Rihanna we’re talking about, the event is likely to sell out fast.