
Street Style: Howard Greenberg Gallery

Aug 04, 2017 | 1 min read

From the sidewalks of Hong Kong to New York City's subway, Howard Greenberg Gallery celebrates street style.

New York City’s latest fashion art exhibition, entitled Street Style, celebrates chance public encounters and surprisingly beautiful moments between friends, which have been snapped from the sidewalks of Hong Kong to the alleyways of Yemen.

More than 20 works from 14 world-renowned photographers are on display, and the exhibition showcases historically fascinating works by the likes of industry shutterbugs Richard Avedon, Allen Ginsberg and William Klein.

Since its inception over 35 years ago, the Howard Greenberg Gallery in New York has built a vast collection of some of the most important photographs worldwide. If you find yourself shopping the streets of Manhattan this month, be sure to head to this wonderfully nostalgic exhibit for a dose of black-and-white style inspiration.

Street Style runs from 13 July – 25 August at the Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York City, America