
Le Vestiaire Des Parfums Couture Edition

Feb 04, 2018 | 1 min read

YSL unveils three new works of perfumery art to it Vestiaire des Parfums collection. The collection celebrates the eternal union of the couture spirit, and blends it with the fragrant world of perfume, offering aromatic scents, each expressing Monsieur Saint Laurent’s non-consensual taste for the masculine-feminine mix. The new scents are named and inspired around three sentimental location for the brand, 24 Rue De L’université (17th Century private mansion, which is home to the Saint Laurent studios), 37 Rue De Bellechasse (Abbey de Penthemont, the site that the couture house's new headquarters will be established) and 6 Place Saint Sulpice (home to one of the label's oldest boutiques).