Exploring the importance of the majlis as a place of passing down heritage and tradition, The Fifth Wife is a must-see
Community has long taken pride of place in Middle Eastern culture, as has folklore passed down generations that helps societies understand life’s mysteries, teaches important lessons and keeps traditions alive. That’s the basis of The Fifth Wife, a group exhibition curated by Mara Firetti, Celine Azem and Ali Cha’aban being held at Al Serkal this month.

Exploring the myths and tales told in a majlis, where locals share stories, songs and poems, especially from a type of poetry called Nabati, artists from different countries including ARE Studio from Syria, Ghaleb Hawila from Lebanon, Khalid Zahid from Saudi Arabia, Salmah Almansoori from the UAE and Syrian-Palestinian Sawsan Al Bahar, have come together to explore its importance through paintings and artworks. Including the likes of furniture from Damascene carpenters, joiners and cabinetmakers, depictions of seascapes, Arab world tapestries and much more, this is a treasure trove of local craftsmanship. Be sure to add it to your diary. The Fifth Wife is on show at Firetti Contemporary Gallery, Al Serkal Avenue, Dubai until 26 May 2024. Buy tickets