
Manifest Your Magic: Roxie Nafousi Shares Her Blueprint For A Life Of Purpose

Oct 15, 2024 | 7 min read

Roxie Nafousi opens up about her transformative journey, sharing motivation and insights on manifesting a fulfilling life filled with authenticity and gratitude

Life can be challenging, often presenting unexpected twists and turns that can leave us feeling powerless. Yet, that sense of helplessness is often a choice we make, rather than opting for the harder but more rewarding path of self-discovery and growth. Roxie Nafousi, the London-based British-Iraqi bestselling author and self-development coach, embodies this transformative power. Through her journey, she has harnessed both inner awareness and the universe's potential to reshape her life and inspire millions to do the same. While manifestation won't erase life's difficulties, it empowers us to navigate them with purpose and authenticity, allowing us to become the best versions of ourselves. Here, Roxie talks to MOJEH and shares personal insights on the art of manifesting, overcoming fear and doubt, the power of gratitude, and much more.

Her debut book, Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life, entered the market in January 2022 and has since become a global phenomenon, selling over one million copies in just two and a half years - a milestone that was initially on her five-year vision board. Roxie reflects on this achievement with awe, saying, “It’s a hard thing to get around, to know that a million people’s lives may have been impacted because of something I wrote on my kitchen table. It’s a really extraordinary feeling, and I feel extremely honoured to be of service to others.”

Central to Roxie’s teachings is the practice of meditation, particularly guided visualisation, which she believes is essential for manifesting success. However, she acknowledges that it can be challenging for beginners. “Any meditation is something that needs practice - it can be really difficult for people to visualise,” she admits. “Guided visualisations are the place to start. I have them on my website but you can even use YouTube. Find different narrators and see what voices resonate with you. Don’t overthink it.” For Roxie, the power of visualisation lies in more than just imagining an outcome; it’s about fully immersing yourself in the emotions of the experience. “You’re not just seeing the vision of your dream home; you’re feeling what it would be like to walk through the front door,” she explains, urging people to practice breathing and relaxation before visualising to enhance the effect.

One of the most powerful aspects of Roxie’s approach is her focus on overcoming fear and doubt, which she sees as the greatest obstacles standing between people and their goals. In her book, step two - Remove Fear and Doubt - is central to the manifesting process. “What’s standing in between all of us and where we want to be is our fear, doubt and insecurities. We are connected in that we all have doubts and insecurities, but it’s a healing journey that you have to go on to overcome them,” she emphasises. “Firstly, committing to that journey is vital. You have to begin addressing your past traumas, as they are often the root of our limiting beliefs.”

For Roxie, self-talk plays a pivotal role in overcoming insecurities. She emphasises the importance of controlling negative thoughts and being strict with how we speak to ourselves. “Be really strict with your self-talk; change the way you respond to compliments -say thank you instead of putting yourself down,” she advises. Drawing from her own experience, she recalls how constantly voicing an insecurity to her friends gave it more power. “The more I talked about it, the more power I gave it. When I stopped talking about it, the feeling just lifted because I wasn’t giving it attention.”

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Roxie’s philosophy on manifesting extends beyond material desires to the realm of relationships. When asked if people can manifest a specific person, her answer is clear: “No, you can’t manifest a specific person. What you’re looking to manifest are the qualities and connections of those relationships. Do you want to feel safe, heard and seen? Do you want them to love a sense of adventure or share the same values?” She adds that many people struggle with fear and doubt in relationships, often feeling unworthy or unsure that they deserve love. “People have so much doubt and fear that they don’t feel worthy. They think that one person will offer them that feeling, but that comes from ego. You have to surrender and know that the right person will trust you and be right for you.”

Her faith in the universe is at the heart of her manifesting power. “I'm a very powerful manifester, and that’s because I have full blind faith that the universe is working for me,” Roxie reveals. This unstoppable trust allows her to release attachment to specific outcomes and avoid feelings of desperation. “When I want something, I don’t become desperate for it, and I don’t become emotionally attached to the outcome. Desperation comes from fear and doubt,” she explains. To strengthen trust in the universe, she advises people to look for signs of its guidance. “Look for coincidences; look for those weird serendipitous moments that show you that the universe is always in constant dialogue with you. Like when you’re thinking of someone and they text you - that’s a sign that the universe is listening.”

Gratitude is another cornerstone of Roxie’s manifesting practice. She believes that adopting an attitude of gratitude shifts us into an abundant mindset, allowing us to feel fulfilled with what we already have. “Gratitude is one of the most powerful and transformative practices that we can incorporate into our daily lives. It’s about sinking into this abundant mindset and feeling like we already have enough,” she says. Recalling a phrase her mother often used in Arabic - “For every thanks you give, you get a thousand in return” - Roxie embodies this practice in her everyday life. “I used to be such a negative person, always moaning and complaining. Now, I carry and express gratitude even for the smallest things - whether it’s being outdoors at the park with my son or enjoying a delicious meal. Gratitude helps me retrain my brain, and I feel so much happier.”

Roxie’s holistic approach to manifesting, detailed in her 7 Steps To Living Your Best Life, is more than just a guide; it’s a lifestyle. “When you get comfortable with these steps, it really is something you consciously think about, and it becomes a flow,” she says. She encourages people to embrace life’s challenges as opportunities for growth. “When challenges come your way, ask yourself what you’re learning from it, how you can overcome the test, and move forward from it rather than allowing it to deter you. Routine, healthy habits and self-loving practices are key.”

Through her books, workshops and teachings, Roxie Nafousi has inspired a global audience to take control of their lives, heal from their past and live with purpose and gratitude. Her journey from self-doubt to empowerment has made her a powerful advocate for the life-changing potential of manifesting, and her influence continues to grow as she helps others unlock their true potential. As she puts it, “Manifesting has helped me step into my biggest power, to find peace, confidence and joy, and understand and know myself better.”