
Banish Stubborn Fat With This Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Procedure

Jun 13, 2022 | 10 min read

Whether you’re looking for full-body fat loss or simply want to target one particularly stubborn area before summer sets in, Emsculpt NEO® could be your golden ticket

Whether you’re looking for an elevated approach to full-body fat loss or simply want to target one particularly stubborn area before summer sets in, Emsculpt NEO® could be your golden ticket

Women have it hard. No matter how long we find ourselves sweating it out in the gym or how often we resist carbs, there will always be those stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to move (we’re looking at you, upper thighs). But what if we told you there’s a procedure on the market that claims to whip you into shape without having to undergo risky surgical procedures like liposuction? Say hello to Emsculpt NEO®.

FDA-cleared to be used across the buttocks, abdominal area, arms, thighs and calves, Dubai’s very own Lucia Clinic was the first in Asia to introduce this cutting-edge treatment, which promises to not only melt fat but tone muscles all at the same time, leaving you with a slimline silhouette in as little as 45 days. Dr Radmila Lukian gives MOJEH the low down.

First things first — how does Emsculpt NEO® work?

As an FDA-approved, non-invasive body sculpting procedure designed to both build muscle and burn fat, Emsculpt NEO® emits two different energies in a single treatment session — synchronized RF for fat reduction and HIFEM+ for muscle toning. Together they stimulate supramaximal muscle contractions in your targeted muscle groups induced at a rate of approximately 20,000 contractions per 30 minutes, the equivalent of doing 20,000 crunches or squats in half an hour! By signaling your muscles to use more energy, you can target local fat stores in your problem area and see the fat melt away.

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Does it work alone, or is it best teamed with a muscle- strengthening workout regime and/or diet?

No treatments can be successful without regular exercise and a healthy diet as these are obviously crucial to general health — you can’t see the muscles you’re building if they’re covered in too much fat. Those looking for even quicker results before the summer can combine it with other non-invasive fat loss procedures like CoolSculpting which you can undergo in the same timeframe. This will reduce fat quicker and help customise your body to get it as svelte and toned as you would like!

Can we use Emsculpt NEO® to sculpt our legs before the summer?

The upper legs are notorious problem areas for many females so we have a lot of interest for this area. The thighs and buttocks contain hormone influenced deposits of fat that are ‘sex-specific’, which mean that oestrogen sends more fat cells to these areas. Scientists believe this reserve of fat supplies women with extra energy during pregnancy and when breastfeeding, so it has its uses! Sadly you can’t tone the fat away, and manual muscle building and spot reduction exercises will not eliminate thigh fat either, so getting rid of bulges that refuse to budge may require professional fat reduction treatments that eliminate stubborn fat cells. CoolSculpting is a popular non-surgical option for this, but Emsculpt NEO® is great as well. The former only targets fat while the latter targets the two parts of our body composition that determine the overall appearance of our legs, both fat and muscle.

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How many sessions are needed to see results?

We recommend a regimen of four to six NEO® sessions to reduce fat and build muscle in the abdomen area, but we can tailor-make programmes to specific clients as well. Typically, one treatment every three to six months is recommended to maintain results.

What else can we expect to see other than fat loss?

You’ll see strengthened and toned muscles plus tightened and rejuvenated skin. Emsculpt NEO® not only helps rebuild and strengthen muscles but clients are also left looking more toned and defined.

Who is the best candidate for the treatment and who wouldn’t be eligible?

It’s great for those who are in fairly good shape but need a little help resolving a stubborn spot or two. These are patients who exercise regularly, eat right, and are not far over their goal weight. It works best on those with a body mass index of less than 30 too. Yet despite those healthy habits, there are still parts of their bodies they’d like to improve. We can’t accept patients who are currently pregnant or nursing and, if you have metal or electronic implants in the treatment area, you may not be a good candidate either.

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What can we expect to feel during the treatment?

You won’t feel any pain during the 30 minute treatment. It’s often compared to a hot stone massage — intense muscle contractions along with a heating sensation.

Summer is fast approaching! How soon can we expect to see results?

Some results can generally be achieved after completing one treatment a week for four weeks, depending on your goals. Results vary by person, with the average response being 30 per cent fat reduction and 25 per cent muscle growth in the treated area. Ideal results are seen after 90 days but some see results after just 45. Book an appointment

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