"The VS girls do not take their training lightly, literally. These girls work really hard year round and are known to throw down a weights circuit. They may be lean and long, but they know their way around a gym. Here are some of the common exercises and focus points we use in their training," explained the fitness influencer.
Strength work is a really important part of the girls regime. We do a lot of work with barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells as well as using TRX and bands with their bodyweight as resistance. Deadlifts, plié front squats, banded row and rotation drills, prowler pushes and medicine ball slams are some of our favourites. Strength training when done correctly gives a really beautiful lean lift and tightness to the body, which helps the girls feel strong and most importantly, feel good.
Battle ropes, jump rope, sprints on the curve treadmill and quick bursts on the assault bike are all common exercises you will see us doing with the girls. These quick jolts of increased heart rate into an anaerobic training zone mean you get a great metabolic after effect that can leave your body burning calories for up to 36 hours post workout. I like to pair bursts of cardio amongst the strength exercises so we can keep spiking the heart rate and get a great sweat.

A big part of the training journey is recovery. The faster you can recover, the fitter you are. To help the girls train consistently day in, day out, we use equipment such as the Hypervolt by Hyperice, EMS technology by PowerDot, and services such as infrared saunas and cryotherapy to ensure recovery is quick and inflammation is limited. Most of the girls are still working full days leading up to the show, so it's important that with the training we are doing we aren't adding too much extra stress to their bodies and schedules.
Fuel is an incredibly important part of the picture and a big focus for us, especially in the lead up to the show. It varies person to person but hydration, protein and healthy fats are common themes you will see. It's important to highlight that not eating is not the way these bodies are born, yet eating thoughtfully and consciously so that their bodies are being fueled to serve them well in their training and work demands.
Yes, this is an exercise. Sleep is the most important thing for everyone and needs to be a priority when you're chasing results. If we're not sleeping enough, we are never recovering properly and there's more after effects from lack of sleep than just dark circles and low energy. The body will often show a lot more inflammation when it isn't getting enough time to rest and repair, so continuously training in a sleep deprived state can lead to many detrimental training and aesthetic effects.