
7 Ways To Reset Your Routine This September

Sep 10, 2024 | 4 min read

September has arrived, and with it comes an irresistible urge to hit the reset button.

Think of September as a prelude to the new year—a chance to get ahead of the game and step into a fresh chapter with purpose. This month offers a golden opportunity to lay the groundwork for your ambitions and aspirations. By embracing the September reset, you’re essentially setting the stage for a triumphant new year, so you can walk into January already smashing those resolutions. It's like the prelude to your favourite book, setting the tone for the story ahead. Why wait until the clock strikes midnight on December 31st when you can start now?

   Revamp Your Space

Take a page from Marie Kondo's book and give your space a mini makeover. Clear out the old, organise your essentials and create a serene environment that inspires productivity and calm. September is the ideal time to freshen up your surroundings—think less hoarder’s den, more sanctuary of serenity.

Tip: Try the “one-in, one-out” approach. For every new item you bring into your space, make a point of removing something you no longer need. This keeps clutter at bay and ensures you only keep what truly sparks joy.

Set New Intentions

Why wait for January to make resolutions? September is your second chance to start afresh. Reflect on what you want to achieve—whether it's launching that side hustle, learning a new skill, or finally reading that book gathering dust on your nightstand. Use this month to set intentions and chart your course.

Tip: Write your goals down in a journal. Studies show that putting pen to paper makes us more likely to achieve our objectives. Think of it as a vision board for your mind—one small step that can make a big impact.

Shake Up Your Routine

September brings the back-to-school vibe, even if you’ve long since graduated. It’s the perfect excuse to rethink your daily schedule. Swap out morning doom-scrolling for a walk around the block or trade your evening Netflix binge for a chapter of a new book. Little changes can reignite your motivation.

Tip: Introduce one new habit a week. Trying everything at once is overwhelming. Start small, and before you know it, you’ll have an easy-to-follow routine to be proud of.

Focus on Wellness

We’ve all indulged over the summer, but now it’s time to think about balance. September is a soft reset for your body and mind—think more salads, less sodas. It’s about small, consistent changes that can lead to big improvements in how you feel and function.

Tip: Make hydration a priority. Start your day with a glass of water before anything else. It’s a simple, effective way to boost your energy and keep your skin glowing.

Plan Ahead

Channel your inner Monica Geller and get organised. From work projects to social engagements, having a clear plan helps set you up for success. Use this time to map out your commitments, so when the holiday madness hits, you’re prepared.

Tip: Use digital tools like Google Calendar or Asana. Setting reminders and deadlines keeps you on track and helps you stay on top of your to-do list. Imagine going into the new year with a head start—that’s the power of planning.

Learn Something New

Take a cue from Dead Poets Society—seize the day! Whether it’s learning a new language, picking up a musical instrument, or diving into a new hobby, September is a great time to challenge your mind. Not only does this keep you sharp, but it also enriches your life with new experiences.

Tip: Commit to just 10 minutes a day. Whether it’s practicing sewing or studying French, small, consistent efforts add up over time.

Reconnect and Socialise

Summer might be over, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end. Use September to rekindle relationships that might have taken a backseat. Strong social connections are crucial for happiness, so make time for the people who lift you up.

Tip: Make it a habit to reach out to one friend a week. A simple text, coffee date, or just a phone call.

Seize the September Moment

So, as September progresses, seize the moment to hit refresh and set yourself up for success. It’s more than just turning over a new leaf—it’s about planting the seeds for a brighter future. By embracing this month’s unique energy, you’re not just preparing for the new year—you’re already setting yourself up to thrive.