
Here's Why You're Suffering From Insomnia

Sep 01, 2024 | 5 min read

"Weeks went by and I It was as if there was an aspect of my life, of my personality, torturing me, eating away at my chest and nerves, drinking my soul, leaving me dry and hard as a stone. The writer Ihsan Abdul Quddus described insomnia in these words through the words of Nadia, the protagonist of the novel "I Don't Sleep".

Nadia's insomnia was cries from her conscience to stop her cruel actions and plans, but you are not Nadia, nor do you feel guilty enough to give up the important hours of sleep, so why are you still awake when it's almost 1 am? Why are you tossing and turning on the pillow at night, waiting and anticipating the absent sense of sleepiness.

Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders and here are the main causes

Stress and anxiety

When life tests you with its pressures and responsibilities, you may succumb to negative thinking and find yourself captive to mental stress, a little stress may motivate us to achieve, but too much of it affects our physical and psychological health, it keeps your mind distracted and active at a time when you need rest to recharge your energy.

"Although we don't have a button that can stop the flow of our thoughts, we can create the right stimuli to help us sleep well," says Harvard Medical School professor Lawrence Epstein, who emphasizes that the biggest incentive to sleep is to be consistent with your sleep clock - waking up and going to bed at the same time.

Relaxation exercises are another way to get rid of anxiety at night, according to the US National Sleep Foundation. (NSF) Just close your eyes and meditate on the rhythm of your breathing, feel the air flowing gently from your nose through your nose, into your mouth, down your throat, and into your belly, and then exhale, taking all the tension with it. your mouth, your throat, your belly, and then exhale, taking all your stress and anxiety with it. Imagine its peaceful journey from your forehead through your neck, shoulders, and arms, and if your mind tries to wander away, don't listen to it, go back to your exercise and repeat it.

Foods and drinks that cause insomnia

Doctor and nutritionist Donyelle Wilson recommends avoiding eating foods rich in carbohydrates, sugars and fats before going to bed because they lead to disturbing blood sugar levels, which results in frequent awakenings during the night. It is also preferable to stay away from foods rich in spicy spices, which cause heartburn and indigestion, something you are completely without if you are looking for a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

Don’t give in to the temptation of coffee and energy drinks in the evening either. As you know, caffeine and sleep don’t mix. It keeps you energized for 8 to 10 hours after consumption. That’s why the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends Abstaining from caffeine at least eight hours before going to bed, which is why the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends refraining from consuming caffeine. Moderation is always the key to a better life, if you find yourself hungry before bedtime, have a snack that contains calcium and vitamin B6 such as bananas, yogurt, cheese and of course the ultimate sleep buddy, warm milk.

Using Electronics

Electronics have become such a necessity that we can't imagine our lives without them, but their negative impact on your sleep is much greater than you think. The blue light emitted from cell phone, computer and TV screens affects the production of melatonin in the body, the hormone responsible for controlling the sleep cycle and regulating the biological clock. If you want a deep sleep, make your room electron-free at least an hour before bedtime

Organic and Psychiatric Diseases

Sleep disorders may occur as a result of some organic and psychological diseases such as:

Cardiothoracic diseases: The American Heart Association (AHA) confirmed that 44% of heart patients suffer from insomnia and interrupted sleep due to waking up at night to catch their breath due to the heart's inability to pump blood well or fluid buildup in the lungs.

Psychiatry: Depression and insomnia are two parasites that feed on each other. Insomnia is the first symptom of depression and also one of its triggers, if insomnia is accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and the inability to practice hobbies, you should consult a doctor.

Occasional ailments**: Painful conditions that can prevent you from getting enough sleep, such as toothaches, flu, throat and ear infections, and gastrointestinal illnesses.

In addition to these diseases, there are some medications that may cause insomnia, such as some depression medications, heart disease and blood pressure medications, in which case you can consult your doctor, and if insomnia appears when you start taking a medication, your doctor may prescribe an alternative medication for you.

Other factors

Other factors that may affect your sleep include smoking, wearing uncomfortable sleepwear, noise, loud lighting, room temperature above 23°C or below 18°C, traveling, and changing your sleeping location.

After knowing the reasons, start immediately to get rid of this annoying visitor, do sports and relaxation exercises, listen to music, regulate your sleep hours, eat healthy food and never knock on the doors of anxiety and stress.