Lululemon Ambassador Heidi Jones Shares Her Top Tips For Staying In Shape Over The Festive Season

2 min read

From food to fitness, health coach and Dubai's Lululemon ambassador Heidi Jones supports and motivates her clients to make healthier and more purposeful lifestyle choices. Here, she shares her top tips for staying healthy, fit and strong throughout the festive season.

Set your 2019 goals now rather than making New Years Day resolutions
By setting your fitness goals now it allows time to start taking the steps towards accomplishing them, and time to start seeing progress before the festive season begins. Once a routine is in place it’s much easier to keep going. Create a plan of action for December with targets you can aim towards and commit to.

Sign-up for a post holiday race or event
The running season is in full swing and there are plenty of races to sign-up to in January and February here in Dubai. Committing to a fitness goal post holiday will keep motivation and accountability to stay in shape over the holidays.

Heidi Jones for Lululemon

Surround yourself with people who also want to stay in shape over the festive season
Having an accountability buddy during the holidays will not only make it easier to keep in shape it will be more fun too.

Make the most of the cooler weather in the UAE and spend more time outdoors
Add extra movement into your weekly routine such as long walks, hiking in the trails, sea swims, cycling and outdoor yoga classes.

Don’t wait until tomorrow (or the New Year) to get back on track
Don’t let having one too many mince pies be an excuse to trigger giving up on staying in shape over the festive season. Let it go and remember every minute is a new opportunity to get back on track and make a healthier choice – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Heidi Jones hosting a cooking demonstration

Practice mindful eating
Make a conscious choice to enjoy your festive parties without the need to over indulge on canapés. Decide on your favourite festive foods and allow yourself to enjoy them without the need to eat them all.

Be prepared
There may be times when you’re feeling a little worse for wear during the festive season thanks to all those holiday parties, but the best thing to do is prepare in advance a morning boost that will perk up your energy levels and prevent unwanted carb and sugar cravings.

This ‘morning after the night before’ smoothie recipe can be prepared the day before and is the perfect pick-me-up after a big night.

Ingredients: (1 serving)
1 cup of coconut water
1 cup of baby spinach leaves
1 frozen mango cheek
1 banana
1 tbsp. of nut butter
1 handful of ice

Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until green and smooth. Keep in the fridge until morning, shake and drink.

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