Skin Sensitivity
The next time you start noticing some pimples or rashes on your skin or even on your palms, you might want to consider your cell phone as the culprit. A recent study in the journal Pediatrics, Allergy, Immunology, Immunology and Pulmonology found that nickel and chromium in cell phone cases can cause allergic contact dermatitis. The good news is that not all cell phone brands contain these skin disease triggers and not everyone is sensitive to these metals. But if you have sensitive skin, try covering your phone with plastic wrap and applying a clear screen protector to avoid irritating the skin on your face and hands.
Dark Circles
Yes, we all spend long hours at night before going to bed looking at our phones, checking our messages and social media pages, but all of that can put your eye health under a lot of stress. The blue color that emanates from your phone, computer or tablet can disrupt your internal sleep rhythm, meaning that your insomnia and inability to fall asleep quickly is higher, as well as causing you to not spend enough time in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which is a very important stage of sleep because it is where the body’s cellular regeneration process takes place. So to avoid under-eye puffiness and dark circles, try to leave at least an hour before bedtime and apply an anti-aging eye cream to take care of the appearance of your eyes.

Did you know that constantly looking down at your phone creates repetitive motions, which can lead to increased wrinkles in the neck area? Staring too long at your phone's small screen can also increase wrinkles around the eyes. To prevent those pesky wrinkles, make sure you're looking at your phone straight ahead and not down and adopt a good skin care routine for your face and neck. It's best to use products that aim to stimulate skin cell renewal such as those with retinoid, mild glycolic acid for exfoliation, and sunscreen.
According to studies, our cell phones carry more bacteria than public restrooms. So when you hold your phone up to your face to make a call, not only is your skin in direct contact with bacteria, but it will also start to sweat and trap oils and impurities in your pores, eventually leading to breakouts. The easiest way to prevent this from happening is to clean your cell phone every couple of days with a screen cleaner or you can simply use an earpiece.
Dark Spots
Just like your computer, your cell phone can overheat, which can cause skin issues. According to a recent study, this heat can affect the production of melanin, causing dark spots and darkening skin color. So it’s best to talk from a distance if you're going to be talking for a long time. You should also make sure to give your skin adequate protection by using products that contain antioxidants that will help you get rid of the damage caused by phone use and make your skin brighter and more radiant. Look for a serum that contains vitamins C, E and niacin.